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Free facebook email extractor 2019

free facebook email extractor 2019

New vehicles in those markets are not necessarily displacing older stock, however, with the slowing in new oil demand in India due more to the slowing of the economy than to sales of more efficient cars.

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Sales of passenger cars fell even further in China (9%) and India (12%). In the United States, car sales fell by 1.5%, the decline was lower for sport utility vehicles (SUVs) which continued to increase in market share, putting upward pressure on oil demand. Global sales fell by 4% as a result, slowing the penetration of more efficient vehicles into the fleet. Its oil demand growth for transport rose from 3.5% to 5%, the largest increase in recent years.Ĭar sales in many key markets declined.

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Transport energy demand growth outside of advanced economies accelerated, led by China. Oil demand declined in advanced economies, but these declines covered less than one-quarter of the increase from the rest of the world. In India, growth of energy demand in industry was well below 2018 levels, as output decreased in some heavy industries in the second half of 2019.Įnergy demand growth in the transport sector fell to around half of the average rate since 2010, as the slowdown in economic growth reduced freight and passenger activity. The largest energy demand growth in industry came from China, where efforts to stimulate the economy resulted in a breaking of the seven-year trend of sub-1% growth in the sector. Industry emerged as the leading sector for demand growth, with use of electricity in the sector overtaking use of coal. In the buildings sector, milder weather in 2019 pushed annual energy demand growth below 1% for the first time since 2015. Lower electricity demand growth underpinned the global decline in coal demand. Global demand growth slowed not only because of lower economic growth, but also because heating and cooling energy demand fell, energy efficiency improved. In India, demand fell for the first time in IEA records, owing to slower economic growth and reduced electricity use for irrigation, a result of an exceptional monsoon. Taken together, low-carbon energy sources – renewables and nuclear – accounted for 80% of the net increase in energy demand in 2019.Įlectricity demand increased at only a third of the rate of growth seen in 2018, as demand fell in almost all major advanced economies. As a result, global nuclear output set a record high in 2019, exceeding the level before the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.

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The fleet of nuclear reactors in Japan had higher output in 2019 and seven large-scale reactors in China recorded their first full year of operation. Nuclear power grew in 2019 by 3.5%, faster than in 2018 and higher than the recent historical average. Coal demand declined by 1.7%, as electricity generation from coal-fired power plants fell by the largest amount ever, with coal challenged by cheap gas prices and expanding renewables and nuclear power. In contrast to 2018, when exceptional weather led to a jump in gas demand, especially in the United States and China, in 2019 milder weather was a key brake on demand growth.ĭemand for oil, including biofuels, grew in 2019 by 0.8%, or 0.8 million barrels per day (mb/d), led by growth in China.

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The rate of demand growth was well below the 5% increase observed in 2018 but marked a return to the average growth rate between 20. Natural gas demand increased by 60 Mtoe, or 70 billion cubic metres (bcm), a 1.8% increase from 2018 levels. While use of renewables expanded in almost all regions, more than 40% of the global growth in electricity generation from renewables was concentrated in China. Wind power and solar photovoltaic (PV) power experienced another year of double-digit growth, although solar PV growth slowed. Renewables underwent both the largest absolute growth and the fastest rate of growth in 2019, with their overall use increasing by 75 Mtoe or 3.7%.

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